My name is Gabriel Popov. During my 20 years in the food industry, I have been privileged to meet with many unbelievably caring owners, and responsible breeder. People who in various ways have inspired me to develop a completely custom product – torrfoder, wet food and dog chews etc.
The focus is on producing high quality food made from natural and pure ingredients with high nutritional content, and with a pinch of love and passion as the only additive. Fully adapted to mans two most beloved pets – Dog & Cat.
Majstor – when only the natural is good enough!
Majstor is sold and marketed in Sweden by MaxiPet AB.
In addition to feed, Majstor provides a group of niche products – preferably a little
different, very useful, always healthy and that fills an important meaning when it
will make your dog or cat feel best and enjoy life. Like beds, skin- & furcare as well as cat litter etc.
Always with the animal’s best in focus.